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Ruby & R.A. Vincent

The Bedlam Boys Complete Audio Series

The Bedlam Boys Complete Audio Series

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 900+ Five Star Ratings!

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Series: The Bedlam Boys

Status: Complete!

Tropes: Badass Heroine, Why Choose, Dark Romance, Mystery, Consensual Non-Consent, Morally Black & Possessive Heroes.


The town of Bedlam was born of rioters, revolt, pain, and murder.

Over a hundred years later, nothing has changed.

A shadow clings to our lives. Stalking, watching, waiting, taunting, and killing. And when it struck, I wasn’t ready.

I have to play their game now. Catch them, 
kill them, before Ruckus Royale or they’ll claim another sacrifice.

The trouble is a new band of outlaws are in charge, and Arsenio, Cairo, Jacques, Legend, and Roan don’t take well to people ruining their fun.

On the one night a year where anything goes, mayhem will sweep through the streets and the Kings of Ruckus will rule.

I have my orders. A life to save and a life to take.

And when my punishment comes for framing the Bedlam Boys, I’ll welcome it. I’ll let them free me of the sweet, innocent girl I never got to be.

Under their twisted, scorching love I will atone for the crimes paid and the ones still to come.

In the end, Bedlam will be brought to its knees to bow before its first queen.

Read A Sample


Branches snatched and tore at me, ripping red seams on my arms, cheeks, and exposed legs.

Legs? Why were my legs bare?

I jumped off a landing, splashing down in a puddle of mud that clung to cover my pale skin, and I still running, running, running.

Why were my legs bare?

Because I ran.

They came and I ran so far and fast, I had no time to put on pants. The kettle left screaming on the stove. My phone charging by my bedside. My sister soundly asleep in her bed. All left behind.

Why? Why am I running?

The thought passed and I picked up speed. Muscles burning, lungs aching, my feet dotted barely there imprints on the soft earth. I was flying. Flying away from the monsters.


Who was chasing me? Why was I running?

I snapped my neck around, searching the endless dark for shifting shadows. Who was coming for me?

Cold bit into my skin, freezing the mud that was my only cover. No owls to chant my way. No creatures to skitter from my presence. I ran too far into the forest—farther than the animals dared to tread, and where the trees drew closer together as if to share warmth.

I had to be safe. No one would come this far. No one was chasing me.

I slowed, stumbling out into a clearing, the release from the pressing trees that open their arms to the edge of the cliff.

I stepped to the rim, peering down to the gawping abyss below.

This cliff has a name. A funny one that always made me laugh.

I laughed then. Huge, racking guffaws that stole the little air left in my aching chest.

I was fine. I was safe. Whatever was chasing me was gone now. I could go home.

I turned, and walked into their arms.

A hand clamped on my mouth, penning in the cry before it could leave my lips.

“Does the kookaburra laugh or does it scream?” Their mouth pressed to my ear, pouring their words directly into my soul. “Does the mighty kingfisher cry or does it dream? Where are you, kookaburra?”

“Please, stop,” I rasped. “I didn’t mean to. I never wanted this.”

They couldn’t hear me. Their hand swallowed my plea as the rest of them took everything else.

“Tell me, oh, tell me,” they whispered. “Why is nothing as it seems?”

Hands cradled my back and shoved. I soared over the edge. For a short, glorious moment, I was flying.

Then I fell. Fell to the bottom of the cliff with the funny name.

And I laughed.

Chapter One

“This way, everyone. Follow me.” The small, triangular flag whipped high overhead, boasting its crest for all to see. “Did you all bring your lunch?”

A few people murmured yes.

“Perfect.” Zoey’s cheery voice gathered us around her like bees to the queen. “This is Homer Green, as we call it. At any time you’ll find students hanging out, studying, or running around here.”

I scanned the sprawling campus, taking in the rising spires, stone facades, sprawling waves of green, and countless coeds walking among them. Bedlam University looked impressive in the brochures, the glances out the window as I drove past, and the single time I gathered a trace of courage and came here for a frat party. None of that compared to seeing this campus up close and personal under the beaming sun.

“Sit down and let’s get to know each other.”

I slid my backpack off my shoulder and tugged out the blanket. The orientation packet said to bring it and I was nothing if not a sucker for lists and instructions. I was among the few.

Most of my group pulled faces sitting on the dew-covered grass. I dropped on my blanket and pulled out my lunch.

“How smart were you bringing a blanket.”

A shadow fell over me. I glanced up into shining green eyes and a wide smile.

“Mind if I sit with you?”

“Course not. Go for it.”

She plopped next to me, wiggling her shoulder against mine like we shared a cool secret. Up close, she was even more beautiful.

A light dusting of freckles covered her round nose, and soft blonde strands flowed past her shoulders and mine. She was so close they were blowing in my face.

“How old are you?” she whispered, and then it made sense why she was sitting so close. People saved the intrusive questions for under their breath. “You don’t look like a freshman.”

“I’m a junior, technically. I did two years getting my associate’s and then transferred to Bedlam.”

She gasped. “Really? Me too. I—”

“Excuse me, ladies.” Zoey pinned on us. “If I could have your attention, we’re going to play an introduction game to get to know each other.”

“Sure thing, Zoey,” said my new nameless friend. “Sorry about that.”

“All right, this is an easy one. We’ll go around and either replace or add our name into the title of our favorite movie or show,” Zoey explained. “For example, I’m Zoey and my favorite show is Doctor Who. So I’d say I’m Zoey Who. You guys have three guesses to name my show from Zoey Who. Got it?”

“Got it,” we chorused.

“Okay.” She passed to the guy next to her. “You first.”

My blanket mate tapped me. “Hey, mind if we share? I forgot to pack a lunch.”

“Didn’t you read the information packet?”

She shrugged. “Lost it.”

I gaped like she said she lost her kid in a shopping mall and couldn’t be bothered to go back and get them.

“Uh, yeah.” I slid over half my sandwich. “Hope you like caprese sandwiches.”

She took a bite and moaned. “I do now.”

I passed over the kettle chips and my spare water bottle too. It was ingrained a long time ago to make more food than I’d eat. Older sisters were forever stealing food off your plate.

“Your turn,” chirped Zoey.

It took me a second to realize she was looking at me.

“Oh, sorry. Mine is Rainey Day Afternoon.”

“Rainey?” A guy in glasses and suspenders slurped a beer I assumed he was old enough to drink. “Is Rainey your name?”

“Yep, Rainey’s my name, so what’s the movie?”

“Ooh, ooh,” cried a girl across from me. “I got it. It’s dog. Dog Day Afternoon!”

“Got it in one.”

Suspenders Guy laughed. “Is that really your favorite movie, or could you just not resist the symmetry of Rainey Day Afternoon?”


We shared a smile, and I was forced to notice how cute he was when he smiled.

I ducked my head, cheeks warming. First day of university after years of home and virtual school. The last thing I should be doing is flirting with a cute guy who dressed like characters from my favorite old movies.

None of this is why I’m here.

I drew my backpack closer, hand falling over the zipped pocket on the side. There would never be time for cute boys with cuter smiles.

Never again.


I glanced up at my blanket mate and found her staring at me. I flung my hand off the pocket, stiffening as her eyes narrowed. Did she know what I had been thinking? She was certainly boring into me, like she wanted to peer inside my head.

“Rainey?” she asked. “As in… Rainey de Souza?”

“Yes. How did you know that?”

“It’s me! Paris,” she cried. “Paris Keller.”

She turned to the group. “We got our associate’s degrees from Bedlam Community College’s online classes. We were all a bunch of names and pictures on the screen, but I remember you,” she said, whirling on me. “I thought your name was so pretty.”

“Awesome,” Zoey said. “You made your first friend here before you even met.”

Zoey and the others clapped for us like we performed a magic trick.

“Cool to meet you in person, Paris. Now that I think of it, I remember your name popping up too.”

“My turn,” she said. “Paris Park.”

The game continued on around me as I shifted my bag behind my back. Paris didn’t know. No one knew. No one could help.

Eventually, we wrapped up our lunchtime detour and resumed orientation.

Paris stuck close to me, chattering away in my ear about how cool it was to go to an actual college, and that she couldn’t wait for the parties, late-night sessions, and the guys guaranteed as part of the package. It seemed I had made a new friend despite my resolution to avoid anything with friend in the title for the foreseeable future.

“—though my brother goes here.” Paris dropped her voice as we went into the library. “He’s been at Bedlam since freshman year. A senior, though. You’ll meet him tonight.”

“I will?”

“Yeah. He and his friends are throwing a party. I’m going, so you’re going.”

“Thanks,” I said simply. I’d make an excuse to get out of it later. “Sounds fun.”

“So, don’t be shy. Tell me about yourself.”

Her beaming smile drew it out of me. “There isn’t much to tell, really. I’m a major geek. I’m into all things sci-fi, love anime, and my idea of a fun night is playing Catan while passing around a bucket of fried chicken—and yes, that’s how I spend most of my Saturday nights.”

She flapped a hand. “Be still my heart, you’ve found your soul mate.”

“You’re kidding.”

“You’re looking at the girl who has every single Catan expansion pack, and watched Ouran High School Host Club four times.”

“Are you single? Because…?”

Paris smacked my arm, cracking up.

“The only cool thing about me, according to Ivy, is that I’m into archery. Been doing it since I was six.”

“That is cool. You have to teach me.”

I smiled in place of answering.

The tour continued with Paris keeping up the conversation and Suspenders Guy, whose name was Alfie, tossing me one-sided smiles over his shoulder. It was almost a relief when my group was separated to choose our classes, and those two ended up walking down a different hall.

Paris was nice, but she was distracting me. I couldn’t afford to be distracted. This time, I would see everything. Hear everything. Notice everyone. This time would be different.

Zoey waved us into a small computer lab. I chose a seat at the back, opened my pack, and fished out my notebook. I chose my classes two weeks ago, though they didn’t let new students register without going through the song and dance of orientation. Even if those students were transfers who already did two years of this.

Ten minutes later, I was signed up for Bankruptcy Fundamentals, Civil Rights Law, Ethical Issues in Law, and Land Transfer.

Not the most exciting course schedule, but I left the fun, philosophical law classes in my freshman and sophomore years. Now it was time to learn the things that would launch me into law school. If I would still be able to go after—

I shut the door on that thought. Breathing slowly, I peeled my fingers off the mouse, releasing the death grip.

I was going to Harvard Law. That was the plan, and I never veer from the plan.


I jumped. Zoey had some soft footsteps.

“Yes, I’m done.”

“You can head out. It’s too nice a day and too nice a campus to be shut inside.”

“Okay, yeah. Thanks, Zoey, you’re…” I smiled at her. “You’re a really lovely person.”

She beamed. “Ah, Rainey. Thank you. You are too.”

No, I’m not. I brushed past her. That’s why I’m here.

Paris was chilling on the stone steps, messing with her phone when I came out. Of course she was. She’d have had her course schedule chosen in advance as well.

“Hey, Rainey.”

“Hey.” I dropped next to her.

“Ugh. My brother is the literal worst. I know all siblings say that about each other, but only I’m telling the truth. Look at this.” She flashed the screen at me.

Assface: You better not show up tonight. If you do, the first impression everyone on campus gets of you is being thrown out on your ass.

Paris: I’d like to see you try. I’m coming, and fuck you for not inviting me. I had to hear about the party from Roan.

Assface: Roan’s out on his ass now too. You both have fun making other plans for tonight.

“Charming, isn’t he?” She shook her head. “One year between us and he treats me like a baby.”

I seized on my chance. “But if he doesn’t want you there, isn’t that a no for your plus-one too? I’d rather not piss off the Great and Terrible Assface.”

She laughed. “You’re funny. Why didn’t you tell me you were funny? My brother is all bark, no bite. Besides, tonight’s the night Dante announces the Kings of Ruckus. Assface and his friends are so sure it’ll be them, they already arranged the coronation.”

The words blurred on the screen. “The Kings?” I rasped. “D-Dante?”

“Oh, sorry, I should explain,” she chattered on in a tone too bright for the thoughts going through my head. “Dante hosts an online secret radio show. He—”

“I know who he is,” I cut in. “I grew up in Bedlam.”

“You did?” Paris cocked her head. “Then how are we just meeting today?”

“I was homeschooled. We had a farm. Grandma needed help running it, so we did chores all morning, and school in the afternoon. Even way out with the chickens, I heard of Dante’s show, and the Kings of Ruckus.” I found myself taking the phone from her grasp. “You’re saying your brother is going to be named a King?”

“That’s what he thinks,” she scoffed. “Probably right too. He and his friends do whatever, and get whatever they want around here.”


Paris heaved a sigh. “The whole story is going to come out soon enough. I’m not skipping to the end because right now you like me, and I want to be friends a little longer.” Paris got to her feet, slipping her phone from my grasp. “See you tonight. Right here at ten o’clock, yeah?”

“Yes,” I said before she ended her sentence. “I’ll meet you here. Can’t wait for my first college party.”

She waved goodbye, running off to meet a group of girls idling on the sidewalk. Orientation was over for the day. We returned tomorrow for the tour of our individual colleges, then I was officially set loose on Bedlam University.

I lifted my pack on my shoulder, brushing the pocket as I did so.

Transferring to this campus was the easy part. Tonight, and all there was ahead of me, that was impossible. Not hard. I wished for hard. Fucking prayed for it. I did and survived hard things my whole life.

What I had to do was impossible, and as surely as Paris foresaw the end of our friendship, this was going to break me.

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